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  • Generate
    Is Your Congregation…

    Join us at Generate 2024! In this one-day event, you and your team will generate momentum across ge…

  • Summer Camp
    2024 Summer Camp…

    West Ohio has partnered, once again, with East Ohio Camps to provide churches and families with sum…

  • ARound Table
    Join the Conversation…

    Join us on zoom for the next Connect A-Round table on Wednesday, February 28, at 10:00am. We w…

  • Deadline
    Annual Conference…

    As stipulated in our conference rules, all Annual Conference legislation must be submitted to and r…

  • A Beginner's Guide to General Conference
    A Beginner's Guide…

    General Conference brings together lay and clergy delegates from four continents whose decisions wi…

  • McCalister Baptism
    From Hard Living to…

    John has packed a lot of living into his 38 years. As a child, he was in and out of foster care. Ad…
