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    East Ohio and West Ohio…

    A special-called session of the North Central Jurisdiction (NCJ) Jurisdictional Conference of The U…

  • 2024 AC logo
    West Ohio Annual…

    The 55th session of the West Ohio Annual Conference is set to convene from Wednesday, May 29 throug…

  • Mark Williams picture
    Join Discussion with…

    The strength of The United Methodist Church is in its connection. Globally, our church includes…

  • Deadline graphic
    Timeline for Proposed…

    In preparation for annual conference, please consider the following deadlines:  Before Janua…

  • raise the roof
    West Ohioans Challenged…

    On Tuesday, January 18, people attending Bishop Palmer’s Leadership Clinic learned of an…

  • Bishop
    A New Year of…

    Greetings in Christ Jesus, At this writing, Cynthia and I are in Zimbabwe on the campus of Africa U…
