Online Giving To Your Local Church

When an offering plate can’t be passed, we need other ways to receive tithes and offerings. While mailed checks can work, on-line giving is even better. Many churches already provide ways to give online. Others are new to this way of giving and still rely mostly on passing an offering plate and mailed checks.

Online giving is an important tool for church stewardship and a recommended practice for creating a culture of generosity in your church. The United Methodist Foundation of West Ohio has negotiated a special rate for WOC churches with Vanco, the preferred vendor for all West Ohio Conference churches wishing to offer online giving. If your church has not yet switched to Vanco and has been using the West Ohio Conference online giving portal for offertory gifts, please be aware that this option will end on January 31, 2023.

Since April 2020, the Conference has distributed $341,506.92 to 107 different churches in West Ohio as a courtesy during the pandemic. It’s time, however, for churches to migrate their online giving to platforms designed specifically for this. Any WOC church can access Vanco’s services at very favorable terms by contacting Vanco at 800-675-7430 or by email

Please let your donors know that beginning February 1, 2023, the Conference will no longer process online offertory giving via Additionally, any recurring donations that have been set up past this date, will need to be cancelled through the Conference treasury office by emailing Rhonda Tyree at

For more information on how to incorporate online giving into your stewardship practices, please contact Maddy at the UMFWO at 380-223-9339 or