Prayer Calendar

The United Methodist Church is in mission from everywhere, to everywhere! Each day of the month, we invite you to join the West Ohio Conference in holding these ministries and missionaries in prayer…

I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine for you all, making my prayer with joy, thankful for your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now.

- Philippians 1:3-5
Day 1:
North Katanga Conference of the UMC
Day 2:
West Ohio Green Church Movement
Day 3:
United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR)
Day 4:
Missionary Lorraine Charinda
Day 5:
CDF Freedom Schools
Day 6:
Hunger & Food Justice
Day 7:
Church & Community Worker Katie Peterson
Day 8:
General Board of Global Ministries (GBGM)
Day 9:
Urban Farm Church
Day 10:
West Ohio Disaster Response Ministries
Day 11:
Missionaries Jeanne & Gaston Ntambo
Day 12:
Immigration & Migrant Justice
Day 13:
Ohio Council of Churches
Day 14:
Early Response Teams (ERT)
Day 15:
All In Community
Day 16:
Missionary Willie Berman
Day 17:
Good Works, Inc.
Day 18:
United Methodist Volunteers in Mission (UMVIM)
Day 19:
Connecting Neighbors Disaster Readiness Training
Day 20:
Manos Juntas Ministries, Rio Bravo, Mexico
Day 21:
U.S. Disaster Response
Day 22:
Missionaries Les & Debbie Dornon
Day 23:
Death Penalty
repeal efforts
Day 24:
General Board of Church & Society (GBCS)
Day 25:
New Church Starts & Fresh Expressions
Day 26:
International Disaster Response
Day 27:
Mission Volunteer Jane Wise
Day 28:
West Ohio’s Disaster Response Coordinators
Day 29:
Jackson Area Ministries
Day 30:
Ministries with Emerging Generations
Day 31:
West Ohio’s Connectional Ministries staff

Click on a link to learn more about that ministry or missionary!