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  • Dixon UMC
    Dayton Church Engages…

    Seniors who engage in lifelong learning enjoy many benefits; including adaptability, increased cogn…

  • GC 2024
    Where to Find General…

    Next Month, General Conference, the top policy-making body of The United Methodist Church, will con…

  • umfwo
    Foundation and Office…

    Applications for the Alford-Cantlin Fellowship program are now available for West Ohio clergy. In p…

  • COB Statement Gaza
    United Methodist Church…

    "Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the children of God.”Matthew 5:9 NLT As bi…

  • 2024 West Ohio Annual Conference Logo
    Annual Conference…

    The 55th session of the West Ohio Annual Conference is set to convene from Wednesday, May 29,…

  • Love Overflowing
    Clergy Spouse Brunch…

    Clergy spouses are invited to a special brunch hosted by Mrs. Cynthia Palmer. The event will be hel…
