We are so excited in the Scioto River District to invest money in our congregations to partner with you in order to help create meaningful life-changing ministry!! To that end, we have developed two types of grants for which a congregation in the Scioto River District can apply. They are 1) The Emerging Ministry Grant and 2) The Strategic Ministry Grant. Here’s a little more info about each.
The Emerging Ministry Grant
In the Scioto River District, we want every local church - no matter its size - to be challenged and equipped to make new disciples of Jesus Christ by taking risks and being involved in life-giving ministry. We want to put your district apportionments to work by supporting emerging ministries that create opportunities to engage people outside the church. We are looking to provide "seed money" for new and creative ministry that transforms lives.
The provisions of this grant are as follows:
- A grant may be given up to $2500 per church or church-related, non-profit ministry organization for a specific project. An application can be submitted at any time during the year and the review committee will respond within 60 days.
- A church or ministry organization may apply for additional grant monies for the same project over the next two years, but an initial grant does not guarantee future funding
- Only two projects per church will be granted funds in any calendar year.
- A church or ministry organization will normally be expected to contribute toward the project
- Grants are to be used to expand the church or ministry organization's outreach into the community. This includes (but is not limited to) ministry that reaches out in order to build relationships with new people, expands the caring witness of Christ to the community members who are unchurched and creates new places for new people to come to explore their spiritual need for God.
Strategic Ministry Grant
· This application process is a bit more involved, and there is an Oct. 1 deadline for money to be disbursed in January of the following year.
· The amount of money available is anywhere from $3,000 to $12,000 and monies can be granted for the following categories:
- Leadership Development
- Evangelism with Discipleship Plan
- Ministry to the Poor with Discipleship Plan
- Structural improvements or expansion of facilities as a result of outgrowing space currently used to reach & assimilate the community into the life of the congregation
Exclusions: Handicap ramps; elevators; general updating/redecorating; computer hardware or software; equipment (A/V, mechanical, sports, appliances, etc.); supplies
Capital Grant
Maximum of $4,000 - District Superintendent will consult with the Church Location & Builidng Team, the team will review the request and give their recommendation to the D.S. Grants will be awarded contingent on fund availability