  • Episode 334
    Episode 334: Is it…

    Explore the difference between optimism and hope within the context of Christ-centered leadership.…

  • Episode 333
    Episode 333: Why Hope…

    Hope is a key driver for five of life's most desired behaviors and outcomes. Discover the remarkabl…

  • Laundry St. Andrew's
    Olive Branch Laundry…

    Over 25 days, the Olive Branch laundry ministry served 140 clients and washed 233 loads of laundry.…

  • Blueprint for wellness
    HealthFlex Participants…

    HealthFlex participants and their spouses are encouraged to complete the Health Check questionnaire…

  • Connectional Ministries
    West Ohio UMC Leaders…

    It is almost time to head back to school. Your high school students are probably conditioning for f…

  • Book discussion
    Expanding Connection…

    Earlier this month a group of people across West Ohio gathered via Zoom to discuss the book, “Uncom…

  • LSM Retreat
    Register Now for The…

    Have you felt a Call from God to do more? Are you seeking ways to be more involved with your c…

  • Episode 332
    Episode 332: Nexting:…

    Nexting (no that’s not a typo) is a practice of hope that involves anticipating and planning for th…