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  • scales with money
    Where Churches Spend…

    Over the years, CFO Bill Brownson has fielded many calls from churches wanting to know if they were…

  • Times Like These image
    Lay Person Discusses…

    In the latest episode of the West Ohio's podcast Times Like These, Harry Poston shares the lessons…

  • Peace With Justice…

    In the summer of 2022, seven United Methodist-related Children's Defense Fund Freedom Schools built…

  • vim team leader training videos link image
    VIM Team Leader…

    Have you completed the VIM Team Leader Training but find yourself in need of a refresher? West Ohio…

  • offering collage
    Annual Conference…

    This year’s West Ohio Annual Conference Special Offering will be split between two vital ministries…

  • 2023 annual conference logo
    2023 West Ohio Annual…

    We look forward to seeing you in person at the 54th session of the West Ohio Annual Conference…
