This is the second in a series of articles about our five West Ohio Conference Advance Specials organizations.
The United Methodist Church for All People and Community Development for All People engage in multifaceted ministries with people who are poor and marginalized, building a front porch of the kingdom of God on the South Side of Columbus as we make disciples of Jesus Christ.
We are the home of the original Free Store, distributing $2 million worth of clothing and household items to 25,000 individuals each year. We provide a wonderful array of health ministries including a family medical practice in our ministry center, community gardens, cooking classes, and peer health coaches. The Fresh Market distributes 10,000 lbs. of fruits and vegetables each week to persons who participate in health education sessions. We operate a five-day a week after school program, a summer Freedom School, and engage in extensive mentoring with at risk youth.
The development of affordable housing is a major component of our ministry, transforming vacant blighted properties into quality homes. Last year we developed $12+ million worth of residential housing. Volunteer teams come from dozens of churches providing essential help for many of our ministries.
As a National Mission Site certified by the United Methodist Women, we function as a training center for Ministry With the Poor learning experiences. The United Methodist Church for All People, chartered in 2003, continues to grow each year and is now the most racially and socio-economically diverse United Methodist Church in the Midwest.
The atmosphere of unconditional love and hospitality fostered the dream of a church “for all people” that would be intentionally cross-class, multi-racial and diverse, with a new model of service and worship that was “with” the poor, not just “for” the poor.
Churches who make gifts to this Conference Advance Special should use the code WOCoo5.Contact information: United Methodist Church for All People or Community Development for All People