Timeline for Proposed Changes to Conference Rules
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In preparation for annual conference, please consider the following deadlines:

Before January 26, 2024 - people with proposals for changes to the Conference Rules may schedule a meeting with members of the Rules Committee to receive advice on structure, placement, and formatting of their proposals. Contact the Rules Committee Chairperson, Rev. Brian Gath, at briang@stpaulcumc.org to arrange. 

January 26, 2024 - Proposals for changes to the Conference Rules are due to the Chairperson and will be forwarded on to the Rules Committee for review before the first meeting.

Week of February 2, 2024 - Rules Committee meets to consider proposed rule changes. This meeting could include participation from people proposing changes to the Conference Rules.

Week of February 16, 2024 - Rules Committee makes final recommendation for changes to Conference Rules. This allows three weeks to compose a report and recommendation for inclusion in the Book of Reports.

March 1, 2024 - Reports and Recommendations are due to the Reference and Procedure Committee (Conference Rule E.8.a).

Should you have any questions, please contact Rev. Brian Gath via email: briang@stpaulcumc.org