Save the Date for Zoom Discussion with Church Planter from the UK
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The strength of The United Methodist Church is in its connection. Globally, our church includes people with diverse perspectives and backgrounds unique to their communities.

You are invited to join Mark Williamson, a lay person from the United Kingdom who started a faith community for young adults under 30 years old, on January 30 and February 13 at 5:30pm on Zoom. Mark will share his experience with church planting and the importance of creating a rhythm of life.

Together Mark and his wife created One Rock International, a leadership development organization with cohorts across the globe. He leads the curriculum development on Discerning Vision and Leadership Skills, and has written biographies on John Wesley and William Wilberforce. He is chair of the Fresh Expression church planting movement in the UK, and leads the Sanctuary community in central London.  

Save the dates now. Please email with any questions you may have.