Foundation Plans Year of Engagement and Education Opportunities
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The United Methodist Foundation of West Ohio announced this month that it will be offering monthly programs in 2024 intended to connect with West Ohio congregations and donors. Options for online and in-person experiences will be provided.

The program calendar kicks off in January with “Foundation Fundamentals”, January 23rd at noon. This online forum will provide an opportunity to learn more about what the Foundation is, how it operates, and how local congregations and donors can benefit. West Ohioans can also meet Foundation staff at two of the District Leadership Days in January on the 20th and 21st. Those programs will focus on generosity and stewardship.

“Each quarter in 2024 will have two or three opportunities for folks to get engaged,” said Executive Director Susan Black. “There will be online speakers, including some of the favorites from our Generosity Summit, Wespath Town Hall meetings in both February and August focused on investments, and in-person meeting opportunities out in the Districts. We hope there will be something for everyone.”

Watch the Conference and District newsletters, social media and Foundation Facebook page for more information or request a flyer with all the details from You can also find the details on the Foundation webpage at