Faith Week to End Ohio’s Death Penalty October 2-10
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Communities of faith throughout Ohio are invited to join Ohio Council of Churches and No Death Penalty Ohio for Faith Week - a week of interfaith prayer and action to help end the death penalty!

Faith communities can witness in various ways during this week- long event. Examples of ways to participate include hosting a letter writing party, displaying a campaign yard sign, or participating in Day of Prayer!

Day of Prayer will be held at the Columbus Statehouse bringing together faith communities across the state of Ohio to hold vigil. Your faith community can sign up to lead the community in prayer, bearing witness, or song.

The Ohio Council of Churches (OCC) is a partnership of 18 Christian denominations in 24 different organizational configurations or judicatories throughout Ohio. While our administrative offices are in Columbus, the Ohio Council of Churches is much larger than any office; it is all of us, together, across Ohio!

For more information, click here.