Help God’s Love Take Flight This February!
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Bishop Palmer, the West Ohio Conference Office of Connectional Ministries and the United Methodist Foundation of West Ohio invite you to show your love for Wings of the Morning during the month of February through a special urgent appeal.

Due to supply chain issues and government paperwork delays, the much-loved Cessna aircraft, purchased by West Ohio for the North Katanga Conference Wings of the Morning Ministry has been unexpectedly grounded for nearly six months awaiting necessary repairs.

With the grounding of this aircraft, the people of the Democratic Republic of Congo lost access to emergency medications, supplies and the ability to evacuate in case of emergency. Although the costs for the major maintenance are covered, thanks in part to the Wings of the Morning Endowment Fund, operating reserves are now depleted with no corporate sponsorships to offset operating costs. Soon, staff may need to be laid off.

West Ohio, we can make a difference and help lighten the load for missionaries Jeanne and Gaston Ntambo!

Just $20,000 would help cover immediate needs for operational support including staff salaries, airplane documentation fees, hanger fees, and fuel costs – all necessary costs for getting the ministry back up and flying by spring, just in time for the rainy season in the DRC.

You can help! 

As an individual donor: Send your tax-deductible gift via check to the UMFWO with the following information in the memo line: NKWOTM Advance # 08597A or click here to donate and choose Wings of the Morning in the drop down menu to donate online.

As a church: Mail your gift to: West Ohio Conference 32 Wesley Boulevard, Worthington, Ohio 43085 C/O Finance & Administration with the following information in the memo line: NKWOTM Advance # 08597A.

Please follow us on our website, social media channels and NewsNET for updates on this fundraising effort.

Thank you, West Ohio!

Click here to learn more about Wings of the Morning

Click here to watch a video