Applications Now Being Accepted For Ministry Intern Program
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The West Ohio Conference Ministry Intern Program (formerly the Next Generations Leadership Ministry Intern Program) is a great opportunity for young adults who are discerning a call to ministry. Applications are currently being accepted for interested young adults.

Internship placements are made with innovative and engaging congregations and church leaders throughout the West Ohio Conference. The dates for the program are May 30 – July 7, 2023 and include a $4,000 stipend for the six-week internship.

Qualified applicants are:

-         Young adults currently attending a college or university.

-         Available for the duration of the internship.

-         Returning to college in the fall of 2023.

If you are interested or know a young adult who may be qualified or has expressed a desire to explore a call to ministry, please encourage them to apply. The application deadline is Tuesday, February 28, 2023 at 5:00 PM EST.Click here to apply

For questions, please email Rev. Donnetta Peaks, Director of the Office of Ministry at or call 614-844-6200, 314. Applicants are encouraged to discuss the possibility of being hosted by their home church and mentored by their pastor/pastoral team. Participants are responsible for securing their own lodging or accommodations. 

Click here for applications