The One Matters Award Presented To Bremen UMC
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On Friday June 2, Rev. Dr. Tim Bias presented the One Matters Award to Bremen United Methodist Church from the Foothills District.

The One Matters Award was created by Discipleship Ministries to honor those churches that experienced an increase in the number of professions of faith and baptisms from zero through a renewed focus on discipleship.

In West Ohio, each district superintendent was invited to nominate one church in their district to be considered for the award. Bremen was the winner, decided by unanimous vote of the cabinet.

Below are the churches nominated for this award:

Capital Area North: Lewistown Trinity - Deb Ketchem

Capital Area South: Brice - Nickolas Shaw

Foothills: Bremen - Linda Ward

Miami Valley: Hope Collective - Jon Morgan

Maumee Watershed: Milbury - James Nevell

Northwest Plains: Latty Friends -Monica Kleman