New District Names and Boundaries Announced
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When annual conference met in June 2022, members approved the reduction of districts in the West Ohio Conference from eight to six. The Book of Discipline authorizes the bishop “to form the districts after consultation with the district superintendents” (¶415.4), while giving the annual conference the authority to determine the number of districts.

A task group, assigned by Bishop Palmer, included representation from each of the seven existing districts. Working with the district superintendents, the task group created new district names and boundaries. These districts will focus on new ways to do mission and ministry as The West Ohio Conference of The United Methodist Church.

“People throughout our conference, because of their love and commitment to God, The United Methodist Church and West Ohio, are willing to step up and give of their time and talent. It was an honor to lead this group,” said Janet George Blocher, Redistricting Task Group chair.

Effective July 1, the new district names and individuals who will serve as district superintendents are:

•            Maumee River District - Rev. Amy Haines

•            Western Lakes District - Rev. Dr. Jim Wilson

•            Olentangy River District - Rev. Dr. Tim Bias

•            Great Miami River District - Rev. Jen Lucas

•            Scioto River District - Rev. Calvin Alston

•            Hocking River District - Rev. Mark Chow

District names were chosen because the image of water encourages Christ followers to remember their baptism and renew their commitment to God and to discipleship — with the help of the Holy Spirit.

“I have deep respect and gratitude for the members of the redistricting task group and each of the district superintendents,” said Bishop Gregory V. Palmer. “My gratitude for their tireless work and the spirit with which they do their work has no limit.”