West Ohioans Challenged to “Raise the Roof” in Tanzania
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On Tuesday, January 18, people attending Bishop Palmer’s Leadership Clinic learned of an immediate need from our brothers and sisters in Tanzania. They need our help to complete a project that was left undone by a church that chose to disaffiliate from The United Methodist Church. Seven classrooms for preschool and primary school children have been built but there isno roof.

“We have the opportunity to Raise the Roof,” said Bishop Gregory Palmer. “There is a need and I know West Ohioans will rise to the occasion and supply the $15,000 that is needed for this special project.” Palmer was the first to contribute to the cause. 

With a comprehensive approach on evangelism and church planting, the Tanzania Annual Conference, led by Bishop Mande Muyombo, and Global Ministries started a mission center in Mwanza District. The center includes an orphanage with 85 children, United Methodist schools and a hospital.

“I believe West Ohio will complete this project so Tanzanian children can focus on learning about Jesus Christ and academics in this United Methodist school,” he said.

To contribute to “Raise the Roof,” donate here.  

Please include Advance #00205A, (Tanzania Undesignated) on the memo line of your check or in the Name field of the "In Honor or Memory of" section of the online donation page above.