West Ohio Freedom Schools Continue to Inspire Students in Communities
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My favorite story from this year is about one of our third graders who almost had to repeat because he did not pass the spring third grade reading test. After consulting with his mom, the principal recommended that the scholar still participate in our Freedom School for his reading help, in addition to the supplemental summer school the school district was holding. The scholar was so pleased that he could still do Freedom School, and when he re-tested and passed, he came running into the church and gave us huge hugs and told us "thank you" for giving him tools to help him focus and for helping him pass and making him a better reader. This one story made all the chaos worth it.

– Rev. Angie Sherer, Monfort Heights Freedom School

In the summer of 2023, six West Ohio CDF Freedom Schools spent six weeks helping over 350 students in their communities become better readers. In addition, CDF Freedom Schools aim to improve students’ self-esteem and generate more positive attitudes toward learning. This year’s CDF Freedom Schools included…

·    All People Freedom Schools, Columbus

·    Asbury North Freedom School, Columbus

·    Covenant Freedom School, Springfield

·    Licking County Freedom School,

·    Monroe Street Neighborhood Center Freedom School, Toledo

·    Monfort Heights Freedom School, Cincinnati

Because of your generous giving last year to the Peace with Justice offering, the West Ohio Conference was able to offer grants to each of these CDF Freedom Schools. Grant funds were used for books, field trips, buying supplies from local businesses, staff training, and expanding to include more scholars.

“My favorite transformation story this summer was how our scholars came together and protested gun violence. They created a video and staged a protest outside of our site against child gun violence that was very moving to me and everyone around,” commented Jamahl Jones from Asbury North Freedom School in Columbus.

In order to support these CDF Freedom Schools again next year, more support is needed for the Peace with Justice fund. Half of all donations to Peace with Justice, which is one of six Special Sunday offerings in The United Methodist Church, stays in West Ohio to support ministries like CDF Freedom Schools.

If you have any questions about Freedom Schools, please email Mariellyn Grace at mgrace@wocumc.org.

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