UMCOR Sunday Celebrated March 19
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The official date set to celebrate UMCOR Sunday is March 19, 2023, but we encourage churches to celebrate on a date that is most convenient for your congregation.

A full package of ready to use resources for UMCOR Sunday is available for you to explore how we give, why we give and the impact we make through connectional efforts.

Through the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) we are able to provide hope for communities and individuals whose lives have been upset by storms, wars, fires, displacement and climate change. This ministry is achieved exclusively through your generosity. UMCOR Sunday is a denomination wide celebration designed to raise awareness and support for UMCOR. 

UMCOR equips local churches, annual conferences and nonprofit organizations to be in mission with their communities and to respond to those left most vulnerable during challenging times.

UMCOR doesn’t just respond to the emergency for the short term. Working with local organizations, churches in the community and United Methodist volunteers, UMCOR builds relationships and helps communities rebuild, in the years following a disaster.