During the 2024 Jurisdictional Conferences, reports were shared about the collaborative work that took place between the Colleges of Bishops, Committees on Episcopacy and the Interjurisdictional Committee on the Episcopacy. This collaboration resulted in the formation of new episcopal areas and the assignment of innovative and expanded episcopal duties.
We are grateful for each of these respective entities’ discernment and recommendations and for their commitment to serving the missional needs of each conference and jurisdiction.
The General Conference’s decision to reduce the number of active bishops from 39 to 32 in the United States presented challenges regarding how bishops would be deployed to conferences and episcopal areas. The challenges also opened opportunities to rethink the role of the episcopacy and provide leadership in new and exciting ways.
As bishops of The United Methodist Church, we will continue our unwavering commitment to providing vital spiritual and temporal leadership as we faithfully and fruitfully steward the Church’s mission. We aim to become a more agile and efficient church, enable greater innovation and experimentation, foster a more empowered and engaged lay and clergy, and maintain our focus on our core mission to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
Starting September 1, most US bishops will serve multiple annual conferences and remain attentive to the missional needs and opportunities of each conference and episcopal area. Additionally, two bishops will serve across Jurisdictional lines – one bishop from the Southeast Jurisdiction will also serve a conference in the Northeastern Jurisdiction and one bishop in the Western Jurisdiction will also serve a conference in the South Central Jurisdiction. This is a first in The United Methodist Church! Click here to see the bishops’ assignment in the U.S.
We welcome two newly elected bishops to the Council, Bishop Kristin Stoneking and Bishop Sandra Olewine, who were elected in the Western Jurisdiction. Several of the Central Conferences will hold elections for bishops later this year and early next year.
Beloved, despite our challenges, we are on a faith journey together, and God’s grace will keep us united and focused. We hold onto our hope in Jesus Christ, who leads us toward new possibilities.
In unity and with fervent prayer, we move forward, trusting that the promise of transformation awaits us. We trust God, who has given us a future and a hope, as stated in Jeremiah 29:11: “For surely, I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope.”
Bishop Tracy S. Malone
President - Council of Bishops
The United Methodist Church
A message from the Council of Bishops: A Journey of Hope and Transformation