Made in the Image of a Generous God
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Made in the Image of a Generous God

Why Give to the Church?

Ask anyone about why they give to the church, and you’ll hear many different answers. For most people, it’s something they have been doing their whole lives: from the dime they put in the offering plate at Sunday School, to the credit card gift they make each month. To others, significant acts of generosity honor their family’s heritage. For many, it’s a spiritual act that reflects their desire to let God have full control over their lives and everything they possess.

As United Methodists, we are called to earn all we can, save all we can and give all we can. Beyond these prescriptions, however, we find that generosity truly sums up the whole story of the Bible: our God is a giving God. God promises abundance and desires for us to share in it.

Do you believe that? Do you believe in God’s abundance?

When we believe in God’s abundance - -that there is more than enough for all - - we are more inclined toward generosity and sharing. And as we grow in our understanding of the discipleship pathway, we start to understand that generosity is something God wants for us, not from us.

Why give to support the mission of the West Ohio Conference?

Generosity is also a tool to bring us closer to the Kingdom of God. Can you imagine? Every time you are generous, you are part of God’s handiwork.

Supporting your local church through a tithe or annual pledge of support takes that personal generosity one step further. Together,  your congregational tithes and offerings impact the lives of your neighbors and build a strong community of faith that nurtures your relationships with Christ and one another.

Similarly, giving to the West Ohio Conference supports the broader missional activities that impact our Conference, nation, and world.  It requires everyone throughout the Connection to achieve this impact.

Whether individually, through our churches, or through gifts to the Conference,  all these efforts help create disciples of Jesus Christ for  - - no less than - - the Transformation of the World! 

Why the UMFWO?

As the philanthropic partner of the West Ohio Conference, UMFWO exists to provide the tools and support that allow donors and churches to live into the life of abundance to which God calls us. We do that in several ways, including helping churches with their stewardship programs and investment needs, and by shepherding the offerings of God’s people to the current missions of the church. These missions take many forms from UMCOR to our United Methodist agencies, colleges and nonprofit partners. 

For individual donors, our primary focus at the Foundation is planned gifts (also called legacy gifts, future gifts, or deferred gifts). Planned gifts are a powerful and meaningful way for individuals to support their local church or the West Ohio Conference to ensure our long-term future while also meeting their personal planning objectives. 

Focusing on planned gifts is a true testament of faith. We will not see those gifts for many years into the future, but we know that future generations will benefit from our careful planning and stewardship, just as we have benefitted from those who have gone before us.

As you look through the pages of this magazine, we hope you are inspired by what you see and begin to see yourself in the picture of how God is using generosity to build the kingdom in West Ohio. If we can be of assistance in your personal, church, or Conference giving, please be in touch. We are here to serve you.

Written by Susan Black, CFRE - Executive Direcor of the United Methodist Foundation of West Ohio