HealthFlex Update from Conference Benefits Office
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The HealthFlex program is becoming increasingly popular due to the collaboration between the West Ohio Board of Pension and Health and Wespath Benefits and Investment. This program offers comprehensive health and wellness solutions for WOC-eligible active clergy

(non-retired), conference/district employees, and their families.

Before delving into the detailed information provided in this HealthFlex update, we would like to remind you of the HealthFlex Premium Credit Video. Remember, the premium credit is funded by your Church or Conference to purchase your healthcare coverage.

To make an informed decision when thinking about and shopping for healthcare benefits, click here for more details about the plan.

The Annual Open Enrollment Period is scheduled for November 1-16.

Meanwhile, we strongly encourage you to attend the upcoming conference-hosted HealthFlex Education Sessions listed below:

Monday, September 11 (In-Person)

West Ohio Conference office

1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Tuesday, September 12 (In-Person)

West Ohio Conference office

2:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Thursday, September 14 (Virtual on Zoom)

10:00 AM – 11:00 AM

Click here for Zoom Link

Thursday, September 14 (Virtual on Zoom)

5:00 PM – 6:00 PM

Click here for Zoom Link

Open Enrollment is scheduled for Tuesday October 3 at Linworth United Methodist Church and Wednesday, October 4 at the West Ohio Conference Office. Times TBD

November 1 – 16 - Annual Open Enrollment Period

Stay tuned for more HealthFlex Open Enrollment news and updates. 

In God’s Service,

Grace S. Welch, Conference Benefits Officer