Handle Your Finances With Saving Grace
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The UMFWO is pleased to offer an online clergy cohort of Saving Grace this summer. The course helps clergy strengthen their financial literacy, both personally and as it pertains to church finance.

The United Methodist Foundation of West Ohio is sponsoring this 8-week course. Students will complete assignments on their own then meet via Zoom once a week for 8 weeks to watch a video together and discuss the lessons with Saving Grace co-author and WOC clergyperson, Rev. Anna Guillozet. Online registration begins May 1. The course is free (participants will need to purchase their own workbook here) and clergy who complete the course will receive $100 from UMFWO. The course begins July 10 and ends September 10th. More information can be found on the registration site.

Adapted from the best-selling Freed Up Financial Living from the Good Sense Movement, Saving Grace: A Guide to Financial Health is based on Wesleyan values and provides text and tools to help participants address life concerns and reach personal financial goals.

Clergy participants will move through 6 chapters using worksheets and downloadable planners, covering such topics as saving, earning, giving, spending, and debt, along with helpful strategies for achieving a sustainable financial life. Three additional sections for clergy address financial issues unique to pastors, bringing together faith and vocation while attending to the unique financial details of living as a pastor and being employed by the church.