Exciting Work Happening In West Ohio
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Dear Ones in Christ Jesus:

Grace and Peace to you.

I want to take this opportunity to give you an update on some exciting work going on in the West Ohio Conference that has an affect on all of us. So, here we go.

  • At the 2022 regular session of the Annual Conference, the members established a Connectional Table. The group convened in the Fall and took up their work. Recently they acted to move forward with a Strategic Planning Process for the conference to help envision the work to which we are called over the next several years. Measurement Resources has been engaged as a consulting partner for this process. This work will ultimately engage lots of people and voices. It is anticipated that the process will be completed by early September. Stay tuned for more as it emerges.
  • Last June the lay and clergy members of the West Ohio Annual Conference also voted to reduce the number of districts from eight to six effective July 1, 2023. I promised to report the what and the where of the six new districts by March 1, 2023. I share with you now that we are on track, and you can look for an announcement said date. Many people have given generously of their time, skill, experience, and opinions in this process. I am grateful to each and all of them. I look forward to living into our new six district reality.
  • The work related to disaffiliation continues. I want to alert you that I intend to call another Adjourned Session of the West Ohio Annual Conference to vote on disaffiliations under par. 2553 of the Book of Discipline. Please hold Saturday October 21, 2023 for this special session. Keep in mind that this heads-up is not the official Call to Conference. Rather it expresses my intention. There are details still to be worked out including formally specifying all agenda items, technology etc.

As we journey from Epiphany to Lent to Easter let’s choose to keep our eyes on Jesus and boldly engage the mission of making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.

Yours in Christ Jesus,

+ Bishop Gregory V. Palmer