Conference Archives are Moving to MTSO
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The Archives of the East and West Ohio Conferences will be moving to the Methodist Theological School in Ohio (MTSO) this summer.

For more than 50 years, the archives were housed at Ohio Wesleyan University (OWU). Last year, OWU notified the conferences that the Beeghly Library was closing for renovations and that relocation of the archives would be necessary.

“We are grateful to Ohio Wesleyan for caring for our archives for all these years and we look forward to working with MTSO.  The United Methodist Church has a rich history, and our archives are about cultivating our past to help engage our future,” said Dave Boling, West Ohio Conference Archives and History Chairperson.

It is anticipated that the materials will be moved to MTSO in June. Once the archives are relocated to MTSO, attention will turn to accessibility and use of the archives. Watch for more details later this summer.

Should you have any questions, please contact Dave Boling at .