Clergy Spouses Celebrate Cynthia Palmer’s Ministry with Love
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For the first time since 2019, West Ohio Clergy Spouses gathered for Love Overflowing-Brunch with Cynthia, hosted by First Lady Cynthia Palmer.

The event was attended by clergy spouses across the West Ohio Conference along with family and close friends of Mrs. Palmer.

Instead of a keynote address, Mrs. Palmer shared a time of conversation answering questions from the spouses. Questions included, how does she support Bishop during tension in the church? What should a spouse do when church members use words that hurt? and many asked about her plans for retirement.

Broderick Cook, spouse of Rev. Karen Cook, Director of West Ohio Connectional Ministries, reflected, “Clergy candidates navigate ‘the process’ and clergy spouses navigate 'a process.' Mrs. Palmer has worked tirelessly in helping clergy spouses navigate our process.”

Before the time ended, Nancy Chow, spouse of District Superintendent Rev. Mark Chow, presented a gift to Mrs. Palmer on behalf of the spouses.

“It was wonderful to be a part of Mrs. Palmer’s 'Love Overflowing Brunch,'" Chow said. “What a blessing that we (clergy spouses) were able to come together to show our thanks and appreciation.”

Cynthia Palmer, the episcopal spouse of Bishop Gregory V. Palmer, has served in ministry beside Bishop Palmer for over 40 years; 24 years in episcopal leadership with 12 years in the West Ohio Annual Conference.