2024 Candidacy Summit- July

2024 Candidacy Summit- July

East Ohio and West Ohio Conferences partner annually to host the Candidacy Summit twice annually.

The Summer Summit is an in person event held at the West Ohio Conference Center in Worthington, OH.

The Winter Summit is an online event, facilitated through Zoom.

During the Candidacy Summit Retreats, candidates will have an opportunity to worship, fellowship, meet with their mentoring group, learn in large and small group settings, and reflect with others who are also exploring God's call on their lives.

To attend, candidates must be recommended by their District Superintendent AND complete all the necessary preparatory work. Please see the Candidacy Process Step-by-Step Guide at www.westohioumc.org/candidacy or talk with your District Leadership for more information.
Registration Information: West Ohio candidates will use the online registration link at the bottom of this event page to register by July 1, 2024.


Dear Candidacy Summit Participants,

Welcome to the Candidacy Summit Process! We are grateful for how God is working in your life and that you are willing to take this next step to discern your call to ministry in the United Methodist Church. Your District Committee on Ordained Ministry or your District Superintendent initiated your invitation. Attached, you will find a Step-by-Step Guide to The East and West Ohio Candidacy Summit Process. The goal is faithfulness one step at a time.

The Candidacy Summit Retreat is the next step on your journey. This will take place on July 26-27, 2024. Check-in begins early Friday morning, and the Retreat concludes by early Saturday evening. A Summit Retreat is an opportunity to begin working with your mentoring group, experience an orientation to ministry, worship, learn, and fellowship with others also exploring God’s call on their lives.

In reviewing the Step-by-Step Guide, you will notice that registration for the Summit Retreat is two-fold: West Ohio Candidacy track and the Psychological Assessment track. Completed registrations (both parts) must be received by July 1 to attend the Summit Retreat. You will receive an invitation to join PassageUMC. Please respond and complete the steps there as well. Please note that the invitation will expire in 21 days; please open upon receipt. The average time to complete the registration is about 4-5 hours. It is best to notify references in advance and follow up with them as soon as the invitation is initiated for them to respond.

*If you have not received your PassageUMC invitation or if your invitation has expired, please email OfficeofMinistryforms@wocumc.org.

Complete the online registration for the Summit Retreat:

  • Payment for Summit Retreat, which includes a Background/Credit Check
  • Autobiographical Statement (Submit into PassageUMC)
  • Permission to Release Personal Information Form (Complete and upload to PassageUMC)
  • Notarized Statement (Complete and upload to PassageUMC, mail the hard copy to the Office of Ministry)
  • Background/Credit check (Completed by the Office of Ministry with Registration)

The items below will follow the Summit. You are responsible for uploading these items into the PassageUMC application:

  • Form 103: Medical Report (After Medical Professional completes, scan and upload to PassageUMC)
  • Personal Reference Forms (Scan and upload completed forms to PassageUMC)
  • Form 102: PPRC Interview (Coordinated with DS and DCOM)
  • Form 104: Charge Conference Interview (Coordinated with DS and DCOM, DCOM Registrar upload to PassageUMC)
  • Form 113: DCOM Report (Coordinated with DS and DCOM, DCOM Registrar upload to PassageUMC)

*Please note that only certain forms (part 1) are part of the Summit registration due by July 1; other forms (part 2) are for later parts of the process. If you have any questions, please contact your District Leadership or the Office of Ministry.

Blessings on the journey,

Rev. Donnetta Peaks
Director, Office of Ministry

Event Sponsored By
East Ohio Conference & West Ohio Conference
Location Name
West Ohio Conference Center
Location Address
32 Wesley Blvd, Worthington OH 43085
Susan Thomas