We Look Forward To Seeing You In Dayton!
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We look forward to seeing you later this week in Dayton for the 54th Session of the West Ohio Annual Conference.

Information about the destination, meeting schedule and other conference details can be found on the 2023 Annual Conference page of the West Ohio Conference website.

Join us for Worship and Special Sessions of AC 2023

Plan to tune in to the 2023 Annual Conference livestream from the Dayton Convention Center. All worship services, the learning session and Bishop Palmer’s Episcopal Address will the streamed to the conference website: westohioumc.org. Please note that start times may be slightly delayed. Please be patient. Photos and recordings of these events will be made available the week of June 6.

Thursday, June 1

1:30 p.m.          Opening Worship

2:00 p.m.          “It Only Takes Two to Create Community” Reba Collins

7:00 p.m.          Memorial Service of Word and Table      

Friday, June 2

9:00 a.m.           Worship Service Celebrating Mission

2:00 p.m.          Episcopacy Committee: Valarie Willis

                         Episcopal Address: Bishop Gregory V. Palmer

8:30 a.m.           Opening Devotions/Prayer: Bishop Palmer

Saturday, June 3

10:30 am.          Celebration of Ministry (Retirement, Commissioning and Ordination)